Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My mom yelled at me today. Over homework. She told me that I'm lazy and if I don't act up I'll end up working at McDonnalds She's right, but she didn't have to yell at me the way she did. She acted like I killed someone. Not to my suprise I started to cry. I lied to my grandma today that I needed to go to school at 12:45(I really have to go to school at 12:30) so I didn't have to wait around with a big crowd. Thankfully when I got there I saw a girl who's on my bus and we talked until it was time to go outside. I could tell she wanted to be with someone else instead of me, but atleast I wasn't alone. In math class we played Uno, and I haven't played it in a loooong time so I messed up a couple of times so this gay boy called me an a$$. I swear I get called a name everyday. Where is the love in this country?! Oh, and here's a cool pic I found, but I think it's emo and I ain't no emo.
Where Is?

1 comment:

theory said...

Hey, sometimes parents wants what's best for us but they could go about it the wrong way. But also what they want might not be the best thing for us. You might not realize it but you are really hard on yourself. Being so hard on yourself actually makes you dislike yourself and can really kill your self love and esteem. Just don't take things so personal and don't be so hard on yourself. Just do you and if people like then that's great, if people don't then that's OK too. Just learn to accept your short comings in whatever it is and you'll develop a better self image of yourself and soon you won't care so much as to what others say or think about you. Maybe then you'll see the little things that bug you before will stop.